
Blind, Braille and Embossing Technologies

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Default Braille Tables

The default braille tables are distributed with Biblos. They cannot be edited or deleted as they are basic program tables. Blue appears in the customization list.

- International Phonetic Alphabet: Braille for printing IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) texts. IPA is a phonetic alphabet used by linguists to uniquely represent each of the sounds that the human vocal apparatus is capable of producing. It is a convention for the phonetic and phonemic representation of all the languages of the world;

- Arabic: Braille for printing Arabic-language documents. Text written in ANSI and Unicode characters can be printed;

- Biblos: literary braille edited by Giuseppe Di Grande. It is based on 1998 Italian Braille, but new symbols and prefixes are added to it. This is the table most used by users of Biblos to print in Braille;

- Biblos (8 points): similar to Biblos Braille, but useful for printing 8 points Braille;

- Catalan: literary braille for the Catalan language;

- Croatian: Literary Braille for the Croatian language;

- Dattilobraille: Braille is useful when you want to print documents typed in using virtual dattilobraille. These braille characters are also contained within the Braille Biblos;

- Esperanto: Literary Braille for Esperanto. Letters with diacritical marks are printed using both ANSI (CX, GX, etc.) and Unicode (Ĉ, Ĝ, etc.) characters;

- French: Literary braille for the French language;

- Old Greek: Literary Braille for ancient Greek texts. Documents must be written in accordance with Unicode encoding;

- Ancient Greek (8 Points): eight-point literary braille for ancient Greek;

- Modern Greek: Literary Braille for the Greek language;

- English: Literary Braille for English from the UK;

- English (shorthand): Braille contract for the English language of the United Kingdom. With this table, you can reduce the number of sheets required for printing by approximately 25%;

- Unified English: Literary Braille for the English language. This coding was developed to combine all English-speaking countries into a single Braille code;

- Italian (Braille 1998): Literary Braille for the Italian language. Braille coding is that adopted in Italy in 1998;

- Italian (Stenografia Trani 1°): Braille stenographed for the Italian language. Italian shorthand is divided into three levels, which produce braille prints with three different degrees of contraction. Italian shorthand is named after its author Trani, who in the 1950s compiled this codification. In Italy, shorthand braille has never had much success. With first level shorthand, a sheet reduction of approx. 15% is achieved;

- Italian (Stenography Trani 2°): stenographic braille for the Italian language with an intermediate contraction level. Second level shorthand results in a reduction of approximately 20%;

- Italian (Stenography Trani 3°): stenographic braille for the Italian language with a higher level of contraction. With third-level shorthand, there is a reduction of approximately 25%;

- Italian (Traditional): literary braille for the Italian language. Braille coding was used before 1998;

- Tactile Letters: This table is used in conjunction with a specific printer model (e.g. Index Braille) to produce prints of documents in tactile letters, or embossed alphabet letters. You must configure the Braille Type field in the Braille Settings for tactile printing to print in touch letters. If this option is not available, it means that your printer's template does not allow you to print in relief letters;

- BrailleMat Mathematics: Braille used in the printing of MTF files produced with the BrailleMat math program;

- Lambda Mathematics (Italian): mathematical braille produced with Lambda software. For the 6-point encoding it is necessary to copy the mathematical formulas from the 6-point Lambda environment and paste them into a Biblos document;

- Lambda Mathematics (English 8 Points): Mathematical Braille produced with Lambda software. For the 8-point encoding it is necessary to copy the mathematical formulas from the 8-point Lambda environment and paste them into a Biblos document;

- Polish: Literary Braille for documents in Polish;

- Portuguese: Literary Braille for printing documents in the Portuguese language;

- Printer Default: A table that does not perform any Braille translation, leaving the printer to interpret the Braille codes;

- Romanian: Literary Braille for printing documents in Romanian;

- Russian: Literary Braille for printing documents in the Russian language;

- Spanish: Braille for printing documents in the Spanish language.