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Send the document into a Dropbox or Google Drive folder

Send to Dropbox or Google Drive is a quick way to copy a document into the synchronization folder of those cloud storage programs. The copy operation does not interact with Dropbox or Google Drive, automatically generating sharing links, but simply copies the document into the chosen folder.

When using this feature for the first time, you must choose the synchronization folder used by Dropbox or Google Drive. The Browse... button opens a window to search for the synchronization folder. Generally, this folder is contained within the path of the user profile. After choosing the synchronization folder the window is ready to send the document.

A list contains references to the Dropbox or Google Drive root folder and its subfolders. Each item indicates the name of the folder and how many files it contains. Copying can only be done in the root folder or in one of its subfolders. Subfolders cannot be explored.

To send the document simply choose the desired folder and click on it, or click Send. If the file already exists, you will be asked whether you want to overwrite it. After copying, you return to the document window.