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Registration of Biblos: Information for use

Updated the 07/27/2021 08:00 

Registering Biblos is basically a gesture of gratitude for the free services it offers. Few personal data are asked, which are used only for statistical purposes. Having a real statistic on the use of Biblos, is useful to those who develop Biblos in order to dialogue on equal terms with other actors of the sector, to establish professional relationships and to guarantee and offer new services to users.

Those who want to register are asked to insert: name, eMail address and country. It is essential to enter real data, it is important to have a real statistic of the actual users of Biblos.

Sometimes it happens to receive incomplete or even invented data. If you intend to enter false or incomplete data, please do not make any registration. Repeated registrations with false data may cause the registration to be blocked permanently.

The registration window will appear spontaneously only if you are not registered. It appears on two occasions: after installing the Software; after updating the Software.

Pay close attention to the information given below. The fields to be filled in are the following

- First and last name, organization or company.

In this field it is necessary to insert your full name, i.e. consisting of your first and last name. Do not enter acronyms, initials, only the first name, only the last name, nicknames or false data. If you are an organization you must enter the full name of your organization; acronyms are unclear, so it is recommended not to use them. Even for company names you must enter the full name, or enter a real name that can be easily verified. All incomplete, made-up, false, unclear names will cause the registration to be removed. In this case it is more helpful if you do not register.

- E-mail address.

In this field you enter your personal e-mail address, that of your organization or that of the company registering the Software. If you have more computers and you intend to register all the installations of Biblos, please use always the same eMail address. Never use different eMail addresses for the same person, the same organisation or the same company. The system is designed to count the number of real users based on the eMail address; therefore, inserting different eMail addresses would distort the statistics. However, it is unrealistic for a private user to own more than a certain number of computers. For example, it is very rare for a single private user to own ten computers. It is always useful to register the real name of the user, using his real eMail address. Please check that the characters of the e-mail address are correct. All registrations with wrong or obviously false eMail address will be deleted.

The eMail address is used only as a check of the authenticity of the registration. You will not receive any messages to confirm, you will not receive spam, the address will never be used, unless you voluntarily subscribe to the newsletter.

- Country.

In this field you choose your country. Please choose the correct one and check the accuracy of your choice. The country is useful for the general statistics of Biblos distribution in the world.

- Newsletter subscription.

It is not necessary to subscribe to the newsletter. The newsletter is mainly in Italian and is sent automatically every Saturday morning. If you register on more than one computer using the same eMail address, and you wish to receive the newsletter, please make sure that you have activated the box on all registrations. To disable receipt of the newsletter, simply return to the registration window, deactivate the box, and refresh your registration.

If you successfully register and the next time you update Biblos, the registration window pops up again, it means that your data is incomplete or misspelled. Do not click again on the registration button without checking carefully the data you entered.

In the title of the registration window you will see whether Biblos is "Registered" or "Not registered". If you are not registered, even if you have entered your data, please check carefully the accuracy of the data entered and, if necessary, correct them or add other information.

Registration is a gesture of gratitude. The data entered will never be transmitted to third parties. If you are suspicious or particularly paranoid, please do not register. The registration does not give any advantage, the registered Software works at the same level of the not registered Software. Biblos is a free Software and will continue to remain free for everyone, even for those who do not have any gratitude and continue to use it.

For further support you can subscribe the Biblos Group on Facebook.