How to emboss in Braille documents in ancient Greek
Giuseppe Di Grande Updated the 11/01/2013 00:00
Biblos also allows you to print in Braille documents written in Ancient Greek. In order to have correct Braille printing, it is essential that the texts use Unicode characters. Unicode character encoding is the most widely used today, unlike the ANSI encoding used in the past.
To print a text in Braille in Ancient Greek:
- Open with Biblos the document to print;
- Click to menu File/Emboss Braille...;
- Choose the Ancient Greek Braille table;
- You can choose to print in Braille at 6 or 8 dots. To print in 8 dots the Braille printer must be properly settings;
- Prepare to print by clicking the Prepare button;
- You click the Print button;
One problem with Ancient Greek texts printed on paper is the Braille coding used. Braille printing is usually done using the 6-dots Ancient Greek table. While using a Computer and a Braille display, texts in Ancient Greek are read using 8-dots coding.
This inconsistency can be solved by printing in 8-dots Ancient Greek. Having 6-point coding with the Braille bar would create some problems with the interpretation of some codes by the Braille processor used by the Braille display or screen reader. Alternatively - the most widely used method - you have to learn the differences between 6-dots and 8-dots coding, in order to be able to read and write with either one or the other.
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