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Bulleted and numbered lists

Updated the 05/13/2021 08:00 

Bulleted or numbered lists are useful when you have to make a list of names, terms with definitions or short sentences. Biblos in the Format menu has a complete section to manage lists. There are two ways to write a bulleted or numbered list: activate the list type and write the list items; write the list items and then assign the list type to them.

  • Click on Format/Punctuated and Numbered List/Add List...
  • Choose the style of the list, for example "Decimals - Letters - Romans"
  • Click the Ok button
  • Start writing the list entries: Giuseppe (enter to wrap); Mario (enter); Andrea (enter); Federica (enter); Simona (enter 2 times)

We have written our first list. Notice that a progressive number appears next to each entry. This numbering is added by Biblos. We delete the document and create the list in the other way.

  • Let's start writing the list entries: Giuseppe (enter to wrap); Mario (enter); Andrea (enter); Federica (enter); Simona (enter)
  • Let's select all the items in the list
  • Click on Format/Headed and numbered lists/Add list...
  • Choose the style of the list, for example "Decimals - Literals - Romans"
  • Click the Ok button

We have created the same list as before, starting with its entries and giving them the numbered list style.

A bulleted or numbered list retains its formatting even for inserting or deleting paragraphs within it. Biblos automatically inserts the new bulleted list or increases or decreases the following numbers according to the needs. When the introduction of the list is finished, just press the "Enter" key twice to deactivate the automatic formatting.

To convert a numbered list into a bulleted list, or to change the style of the list, simply bring the cursor to any item in the list, then activate the Format/Numbered and bulleted lists/Add List... command, then choose another type of list and confirm with Ok.

After writing a list of entries, or when adding some entries to an existing list, you can sort the list alphabetically: you must select the entire list and give the command Format/Sort... A dialog box appears asking you to choose the type of sorting you want; then confirm by clicking Ok.

To remove a list and return the paragraphs to plain text, select all the items in the list and use the command Format/Pointed and Numbered Lists/Delete List Items.

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